Out Now on the Nintendo Switch

The EPYX Games Sports Collection

In the 1980s, the gold-medal-winning name for sports games on the C64 was Epyx. Now you can relive over 50 different athletic and sporting events across eight of Epyx’s retro classics in this remastered collection, including the best-seller California Games.

Take home the gold in everything from skiing to skateboarding, from wrestling to roller skating, from BMX to bobsled, and many more. Epyx games were known for their amazing animation and stunningly accurate and immersive gameplay, with some even developed in coordination with former Olympic athletes for a truely authentic experience.

Available from the Nintendo Store

8 Games in the Collection


Experiences these collector’s classics with many modern features including:

Right and Left-Handed

play the way you want

Up to 8 Players

with many events supporting 2-player simultaneous play.

Display Filters

including CRT and scaling features

Game Manuals

fully integrated instructions

Recreated Game Boxes

rotate to view from any angle

Save Games

save and restore your game at any point

Race over to the Nintendo Store to start your medal collection.

Race over to the Nintendo Store to start your medal collection.